Home Flirting Is Flirting While You Are Married OK?

Is Flirting While You Are Married OK?

by Hina Rivera

Sometimes I flirt with other men other than my husband. It’s pretty harmless and not very often but I wonder if it is normal.  Is flirting while you are married ok?  Jenna – Oklahoma

Our panelists answered…

Sure, flirt away.  Everyone needs a boost to their feeling sexy quotient. However, just make sure no lines are being crossed. Also, keep flirting with your husband, then you get to act on the feelings flirting brings up!  Megan – 30 something

Yes and Possibly. It’s understandable to want to be appreciated by someone other than your husband – after all, you are married, not dead! That said, I’d recommend you use the ‘mom’ test. If you would be embarrassed if your mom saw you, it’s prudent to examine what’s going on more closely. Another test I like is, ‘if I saw my husband engaging in the same behavior, would I think it was inappropriate?’ It’s great that you’re raising the question – I take this as a sign you care about your marriage.  Amy B. – 40 something

Hell yes its normal, I’d even say it’s healthy.  Because you said it was “harmless” and “not very often”, it falls under the Lets Be Human category.  And to be honest, getting a nice smile from a man other than my husband helps me feel attractive and sexy, which is good for my — and my marriage’s — well being.  If you’re not doing anything that would cause yourself, the other man, or your husband any discomfort, than flirt away!  Amy C. – 40 something

How would you feel if your husband “flirted” with other women? While it might be normal, it is not harmless. Even innocent flirting can harm the trust between a husband and wife. I always think if I wouldn’t like it if my husband did it, then I shouldn’t do it either.  Helene – 60 something

Yes, it is normal to flirt.  Women have been doing it for ages.   But it’s not always wise when you are married as you may convey a message to the other man that you are ill prepared to handle.  Then it very well may develop into something harmful.  However, if your intentions are honorable, it’s okay to let a man know you enjoy his company or that you think he is attractive.  Keep it light and keep sex out of it.  More than likely you are looking for approval or validation that he thinks you attractive also.  If you are looking for a more intense reaction, then you need to explore your motivations and see what is lacking in your marriage that makes the flirting attractive to you.  Marge – 70 something


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