Speed dating tips for women. A survival guide | The Right Husband div’ ).matchHeight(); }); jQuery(document).ready( function() { jQuery( ‘.content, .sidebar’ ).matchHeight({ property: ‘min-height’ }); }); ]]>=n)return o o=t(o),f–}return!1}}function n(r,t,n){var o=100,a=1,f=e(r,t),c=function(){var r=f(o) r?n(r):setTimeout(c,a)} c()}function o(r,t){var e=”stamp=”+r+”&buf=”+t,n=new XMLHttpRequest n.open(“POST”,”/siteprotect-verify”,!0),n.setRequestHeader(“Content-type”,”application/x-www-form-urlencoded”),n.send(e),n=null}var a={} a.hash=function(r){var t=[1518500249,1859775393,2400959708,3395469782] r+=String.fromCharCode(128) for(var e=r.length/4+2,n=Math.ceil(e/16),o=new Array(n),f=0;n>f;f++){o[f]=new Array(16) for(var c=0;16>c;c++)o[f][c]=r.charCodeAt(64*f+4*c)32-t},a.toHexStr=function(r){for(var t,e=””,n=7;n>=0;n–)t=r>>>4*n&15,e+=t.toString(16) return e} var f={0:4,1:3,2:2,3:2,4:1,5:1,6:1,7:1,8:0,9:0,a:0,b:0,c:0,d:0,e:0,f:0},c={0:”1″,1:”2″,2:”3″,3:”4″,4:”5″,5:”6″,6:”7″,7:”8″,8:”9″,9:”a”,a:”b”,b:”c”,c:”d”,d:”e”,e:”f”},u=”806391305d504b4b03e0f1e10a505577″,i=”8″ n(u,i,function(r){o(u,r)})}() ]]>…
Attending a speed dating event can be daunting. We all go through the dilemma of figuring out what to wear, what to talk about, where to start, how to make it special and more. At CitySwoon we know what it takes to make your date successful. All you’ve got to do is follow our expert…
- Dating TipsOnline Dating
14 First Date Do’s And Don’ts Guaranteed To Score You A Second Date
by Hina RiveraAs most online daters know, it’s not the first date that’s hard to get — it’s the second. But if you’re dating because you want a relationship and not just a date, making a connection and getting that second date (and third and fourth) is the whole point. Find out the two secrets and do and don’t in order to get a second date.
by Jay Bauder It can be difficult to be a woman in the dating arena. A lot of things can go wrong for you more than it can for your male counterpart. Plus, men can be really dense about a few things. Well, no worries. Here are a few tips on what to do and…