Sometimes I flirt with other men other than my husband. It’s pretty harmless and not very often but I wonder if it is normal. Is flirting while you are married ok? Jenna – Oklahoma Our panelists answered… Sure, flirt away. Everyone needs a boost to their feeling sexy quotient. However, just make sure no lines…
So you met this cute guy. I mean, he is unbelievably cute and he’s incredibly nice to you. It seems like he is pretty interested in you too, but there’s a catch- somewhere along the line you find out this ‘man of your dreams’ has a girlfriend. Now what? What does it mean when a…
There are several reasons why a married man flirts. There are a number of physical signs to look for to determine if a married man is flirting. While it may be harmless in some cases, some men may engage in flirting that crosses the border of deceptiveness.
This list is a collection of pick-up lines you can use on your text messages to flirt with your object of attraction. Each line from this list has the power to show whoever you’re interested in that you’re romantically and passionately motivated to make a connection.
So, there are a few approaches to this, and it depends on what you believe in.For example, my husband cheated on me once because I was neglecting him. I know I was neglecting him, but it was because I was suicidal. I let it go, as it was the first time he had cheated on…
Photo by cottonbro / Pexels Unless you’re a born-again Mother Theresa, you’ll probably recognise the less-than-spiritual emotions that surge through your body when you witness another woman licking her lips…